Please note: this isn’t a comprehensive list, nor do all signs need to be present in order for intervention to be appropriate.
Downloadable copy at the bottom of the page!
Diminished Safety Awareness/Impaired Judgement
[checklist icon=”ok” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Wandering/Aimlessness
- Letting strangers in the home
- Unsafe driving practices
- Leaving burner on unattended
- Leaving pot or pan on stove unattended
- Unable to quickly & correctly answer what to do if there were a fire in the home
Changes In Home Environment
[checklist icon=”ok” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Suddenly writing checks for large amounts to unknown persons, unusual banking practices
- Uncharacteristic change in home cleanliness and order
- Refusing to throw out unnecessary items, e.g., trash, newspapers, old mail, junk mail
- Utilities being cut off
- Unpaid bills when money is available
- Sudden increase in magazine subscriptions, mail-in offers, Franklin Mint, collectibles, sweepstakes
Behavioral Changes
[checklist icon=”ok” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Aggressive/violent behavior
- Sundowning
- Inappropriate sexual behavior/lack of inhibition such as public disrobing
- Dramatic change in behavior or personality
- Loss of motivation, apathy
- Sudden onset of depression
- Delusions/hallucinations
- Suddenly saying no to social activities that were formerly enjoyed
- Saying no to visits and contact with family and friends
- Compulsive behaviors such as gambling, overeating, sexual acting out
Physical Changes
[checklist icon=”ok” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Falls
- Change in gait or physical strength
- Change in sleep patterns
- Sudden incontinence
- Frequent urinary tract infections
- Dramatic weight loss; dietary changes; eating inappropriate food items
- Repeated trips to the ER, hospital, urgent care, doctor
- Self-medicating through use of alcohol/drugs (prescription or illegal)
Cognitive Changes
[checklist icon=”ok” iconcolor=”#ffffff” circle=”yes”]
- Inability to do familiar tasks
- Inability to cope with familiar situations
- Word finding difficulty
- Delayed speech or cognitive processing
- Not comprehending spoken or written language
- Forgetting/missing appointments
- Getting lost on foot or in the car in familiar locations/environments
Download your copy of the checklist
For more details on each area, check out the Is It Time for Intervention? series:
Part 1: Safety Awareness & Judgment