In This Episode
We’ve got two top-notch guests on the show today, Alexandra Jamieson and Bob Gower. They’re co-authors of the new book, Radical Alignment: How to Have Game-Changing Conversations That Will Transform Your Business and Your Life. You won’t be surprised to hear we’re going to focus on the “your life” aspect today. (Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases, at no/zero/none/nada additional cost to you. If you’ve heard/read/seen something helpful on The Alzheimer’s Podcast or the Dementia Sherpa blog or YouTube channel, purchasing through the links below is a way to show support–thank you!).
Alexandra and Bob both have certifications in Applied Positive Psychology and Alexandra is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach.
Alexandra is a success mentor and life & health coach to creative, professional women who want it all. She is the best-selling author of Women, Food & Desire, co-creator and co-star of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me, and a highly-sought-after wellness expert.
Bob helps organizations move faster, create better products, and become happier, more engaging places to work. He is an authority on agile software development, lean theory, and responsive organizational design, and has advised leaders at numerous companies—including GE, Ford, Chanel, PG&E, and Spotify—in creating more effective organizations. He is the author of Agile Business: A Leader’s Guide to Harnessing Complexity and speaks regularly on organizational development and leadership.
All of that is certainly impressive, but honestly, I’m most excited about their new book, Radical Alignment. Once you hear what they have to say, I think you’ll be excited about how it can impact your relationships too.
- Complimentary Strategy Call for Dementia Care Partners
- Replay: Master Class Training: Make Your Own Luck: 8 Ways to Start Reducing Your Chances of Developing Dementia Right Now
More For Care Partners
Dementia can last 20+ years.
That's a long time to struggle with trial and error!
If you're ready to step out of overwhelm (and anxiety about the future), click the button below now to schedule your complimentary Dementia Caregiver Strategy call with Christy. (Mobile users, click HERE.)
It's time for you and your person to step into the life you deserve.
With Host Christy Turner of Dementia Sherpa (Episodes 79-current)
With Host Mike Good of Together in This (Episodes 1-78)
Mike Good founded The Alzheimer’s Podcast in May 2017. Christy appears as a guest in episodes 15, 19, 21, and 23-26. She became the featured expert on the show starting with episode 28 and appears in every episode after, except 56. When Mike decided to follow his bliss, Christy took over the show in January 2019.
Questions? Comments?
If you have questions or comments for Phil (or me), please let us know! We love hearing from you 🙂