The Right Training & Strategies Can Make Life Better
for You & Your Loved One…
Right Away.
Memory Care at Home Program
Total Value: $2,200.00
Your investment today just 497 or 3 easy pmts of 169
The Memory Care at Home Program ($2,200.00 value)
Module 1: The Whole Brain Under Attack
Understanding What’s Happening for Your Loved One
Module 2: Using Your Super Power
Communicating in a Way That Makes Sense to Your Loved One
Module 3: Bringing the “Good Stuff”
Ending Dementia-Related Behaviors without Adding Drugs
Module 4: Creating Your Dementia Sherpa Roadmap
Your Plan for Right Now, Down the Road, and All Points In-Between
Module 5: Caregiving Like a Pro
Setting Yourself up to Go the Distance
Module 6: Making Every Day the Best Day
Creating Moments of Joy
Bonus #1: Moments of Joy Seasonal Calendars
Bonus #2: Home Soothing Room Guide
Bonus # 3: The Language of “Behaviors” Guide
Bonus #4: Driving + Dementia Guide: How to Settle the Issue with Compassion