Dementia Sherpa Workshops- Sharing Strategies to Help You Cope With Dementia. More than 17 years of experience in helping over 1,200 people living with dementia. Dementia Sherpa helps families move from constant crisis management to confidence.
The Dementia Sherpa’s Guide
To Living with Your Loved One
I’m Christy Turner, the Dementia Sherpa, and I’d love to show you an easier pathway to more peace and joy at home with your loved one
(even if you feel worn out and frustrated today!)
There is hope and a better way…
if you’ll give me just a few minutes to walk you through what that might look like for you.
Having a loved one with dementia is really hard work, on many levels.
It’s hard emotionally.
It’s hard physically.
It can wear you out energetically.
And it can take a toll on your relationship with your loved one with dementia.
But let’s be clear: it’s no one’s fault. Neither of you expected to be in this position.
Even so, dementia causes
– Communication to feel difficult
– Your patience to wear thin
– Your loved one to behave in ways they normally wouldn’t
– You to feel in over your head
And you’re not a memory care professional, so how can you be expected to know how to handle such a tough situation?
That’s where the Dementia Sherpa comes in.
I’m here to guide you through the rough terrain.
The Memory Care at Home program doesn’t require you to literally turn your home into a memory care community, of course…
The program teaches you the same skills and strategies the pros are trained to use.
You don’t have to wait to start using memory care “secrets” right now!
Get the Memory Care at Home Program |
Ready to Step into the Life You and Your Loved One Deserve?
- You don’t need to break the bank, and you don’t need to be an expert!
With the right action plan and a willingness to implement it, even a brand-new dementia care partner can get awesome results!
Keep Your Loved One at Home without Adding Medications
- I’ll teach you proven strategies and techniques to reduce or even eliminate dementia-related behaviors like sundowning and refusing to take a shower so you can instead have the peace, harmony, ease, connection, and joy you crave in your home…day after day!
Enjoy Your Life Again
- Once you’ve got the same strategies and techniques the pros use to eliminate dementia-related behaviors, communicate in a way that make sense and keeps you connected to your loved one, it’s a lot easier to relax into the moment and enjoy your life again. You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’re doing everything right.
Here’s Everything You’ll Get Inside the Memory Care at Home Program
- ● Find out what to expect in the dementia process, like what’s normal (and what’s not).
- ● Why arguing doesn’t work–and what to do instead. Identify what’s causing dementia-related behaviors and how to put a stop to them (without adding medications).
- ● How we fall into the trap of arguing–and a mindset shift that will keep you out of that trap.
- ● Follow a simple plan that will take the guesswork out of how to keep your loved one happy and engaged (even if they experience sundowning).
- ● Explain what’s really going on when your parent or partner is “lying,” or in “denial,” or “having behaviors.” (You may be shocked when you find out!)
- ● Distinguish the difference between a 5-alarm fire and what just feels like one in the moment.
- ● The best way to manage a catastrophic reaction (AKA total meltdown)–and what will absolutely, positively make it much, much worse.
- ● How to get off the hamster wheel of crisis management by creating a plan for both right now and in the future.
- ● All the ingredients you need to create an awesome day with your loved one, moment by moment, day after day.
- ● Build the team that will support you, your loved one, and your goals for them at the very highest level.
- ● Understand what’s happening inside your loved one’s brain so you can better relate, communicate, and connect.
- ● Align the true you with how you interact with your loved one so you can always show up as Who You Really Are.

Module 1: The Whole Brain Under Attack
Understanding What’s Happening for Your Loved One
Dementia is about more than memory loss. Find out how other parts of the brain are affected and the impact that has on your loved one so that you can understand what’s happening and why your loved one does the things she does.
Module 2: Using Your Super Power
Communicating in a Way That Makes Sense to Your Loved One
It’s so frustrating when we aren’t able to easily communicate like we used to. You’ll learn new ways to communicate with your loved one so they’re able to easily understand what you mean; how to eliminate repetitive questions and statements; and how to stay connected with your loved one even when language is lost.
Module 3: Bringing the “Good Stuff”
Ending Dementia-Related Behaviors without Adding Drugs
You may have heard that people with dementia always have behaviors, and the only way to stop them is to add medication(s). The good news is, that isn’t true. We’ll look at what causes the most common behaviors (such as sundowning, rummaging, wandering, arguing, biting, kicking, hitting, scratching, spitting, and public disrobing) and then how to dramatically reduce and even eliminate them.
Module 4: Creating Your Dementia Sherpa Roadmap
Your Plan for Right Now, Down the Road, and All Points In-Between
Because dementia has many phases, you can feel like you’ve finally got your arms wrapped around it and then, boom, everything changes and you’re starting from square one all over again. Once you know what to expect from each phase, pulling together a roadmap for right now, down the road, and all points in-between becomes much easier–and saves you a ton of frustration (and money!).
Module 5: Caregiving Like a Pro
Setting Yourself up to Go the Distance
Dementia lasts somewhere between 2 and 20 years, with 7-12 years being most common. You know you can’t sprint through a marathon and expect to do well; being a dementia care partner also requires strategies that will allow you to go the distance (and we’re not talking cliche nonsense like bubble baths).
Module 6: Making Every Day the Best Day
Creating Moments of Joy
Because dementia is a chronic, progressive condition, we need to live in and make the most of each moment with our loved one. You’ll learn how to create moments of joy throughout the day, every day, and get back to having fun with your loved one…all by following a simple plan tailored to your specific situation.
Bonus #1: 4 Seasonal Moments of Joy Calendars ($250.00 value)
Start having fun with your loved one right away with this done-for-you 30-day calendar of activities for each season of the year.
Bonus #2: Home Soothing Room Guide + Shopping List ($250.00 value)
Create a soothing space for your overstimulated loved one with the guide and watch dementia-related behaviors deescalate and dissolve. Soothing rooms are also beneficial for loved ones with advanced dementia even if they don’t have dementia-related behaviors. Guide includes instructions and shopping list.
Bonus #3: The Language of “Behaviors” Guide ($250.00 value)
No need to guess anymore! This guide sheds light on 36 common “behaviors” and what your loved one is trying to tell you.
Bonus #4: Driving + Dementia Guide: How to Settle the Issue with Compassion ($250.00 value)
You need to keep your loved one safe, but taking away the keys is one of the most challenging situations you’ll face. How do you know when it’s time? How do you actually do it? What about the doctor? What about DMV? This guide walks you through all of it.
$2,200.00 of Memory Care at Home Training & Strategies & Bonuses
Enroll today for just 497 (vs $62,000.00/year for memory care placement!)
Get the Memory Care at Home Program |
Thank you so much for the program! I found all of the information you provided to be relevant and extremely helpful, and I love your manner and approach – straight to the point but warm, welcoming and with a bit of humour too, which lightens the tone when discussing the distressing reality of dementia.
Thank you so much Christy for everything! It is so helpful and comforting to know you are available for advice. You are truly the Dementia Sherpa!
Many blessings,
You managed to make a difficult and serious subject fun and lighthearted. You obviously have a unique and creative mind when it comes to dealing with dementia. Those who glean your secrets and the loved ones who are the beneficiaries of those skills are truly blessed.
I believe God sends angels in human form to minister to us in times of trial. You are one of those angels. I don’t know how I could have gotten through this without you. I don’t think there are any who have as much compassion and kindness as you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will be forever in my prayers of gratitude!
Thank you for all of your help with Mom. You have been so very helpful and I appreciate it more than you know. I have learned so much from you. Thank you, thank you!
Christy gave me the tools to 1. better understand my Mom’s disease, 2. accept what I cannot change, 3. and most importantly, help me understand my role and the role of my siblings. I would absolutely recommend Christy; she really came to the rescue when things were falling apart. We worked with Christy as a family for about 6 months and now have been able to operate successfully on our own for the past year. Needless to say I am so grateful that she was recommended to us. If you are faced with caring for someone with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s and are overwhelmed, I highly recommend that you and your family work with Christy to get help with your current situation and also planning for the future.
As Seen, Heard, & Warmly Received At:
Step into the Life You & Your Loved One Deserve
Get the Memory Care at Home Program |