by Christy Turner | Jul 28, 2019 | End of life
Phil Gutis, Assistant Sherpa on The Alzheimer’s Podcast, suggested we do a blog together. When a former New York Times reporter says that, the only obvious answer is, “Yes, please!” Our email correspondence is below. -CT Hi Christy. This...
by Christy Turner | Nov 4, 2018 | Communication, End of life
I was super excited to chat with Christine Borchert, co-founder of Evening Star End of Life Doula Services, on The Dementia Sherpa Show. The transcript below has been lightly edited for clarity. -CT Christy Turner: This is somebody who has a rather unique profession...
by Christy Turner | Jul 24, 2018 | End of life, Quality of Life
“Is such a thing even possible?” Mike asked when I told him I was working on an article about creating a good death. Once I told him more about what I meant, he was intrigued and suggested we talk about it on The Alzheimer’s Podcast. So…is a good death even...
by Christy Turner | Apr 9, 2017 | End of life
Within 10 minutes of sending out the newsletter last Sunday, I got a reply from a reader in the UK. Her beloved had succumbed to the disease after several years. My stepmom died a couple hours after that, exactly a week after her 61st birthday. I’ve lost seven people...
by Christy Turner | Apr 9, 2017 | End of life, Quality of Life
Updated 9/25/17 “What are you hoping for?” What a great question, right? Have you ever given it any thought? The Hope System I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time several years ago, as a boss was cleaning off his desk. He...
by Christy Turner | Apr 9, 2017 | End of life
Here’s What Happened Updated 9/23/17: Early this year, I took an unexplained leave of absence from sending out my weekly newsletter. My amazing readers reached out to see if I’d fallen off the planet. I told them what happened. How We Met Our...